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[Fwd: WebSpeed 5-Agent Transaction Server]

Pawel Dobrzynski wrote:
> O ile mi wiadomo, WebSpeed dla 5 agentów nie funkcjonuje nigdzie poza
> Polską. Nic nie słyszałem, aby załamała się sprzedaż WS w Stanach po
> wprowadzeniu limitu 5 agentów ani tym bardziej aby była tam w
> sprzedaży licencja na 5 agentów.
> Nie rozsiewajmy plotek.

Kobieta z PSC, ktorej list forwarduje, juz raczej nie moze byc posadzona o
rozsiewanie plotek. Od 1 marca 2001 w USA mozna bylo kupic licencje na 5
agentow, przez okres przejsciowy. Nie wiem, kiedy ten okres sie skonczyl, byc
moze trwa nadal. 


Tomasz Judycki

Textus Virtualis Sp. z o.o.
Szaserów 3
04-293 Warszawa
tel/fax (48 22) 879 82 00

-- BEGIN included message

Progress reviews the pricing and packaging of our products on an ongoing
basis. Recently,
we announced several changes in the pricing of our products, to take
effect March 1,

Some of these changes will result in lower prices for our products,
especially for smaller
deployments, which was our intention.  Our plans to stop the
availability of the 5-Agent
WebSpeed Transaction Server was intended to simplify WebSpeed pricing to
meet a wide
range of needs.  Comments received from a number of our ISVs indicate
that this change
will place serious price pressure on some of the small scale Web
initiatives they are
undertaking, resulting in a competitive disadvantage. 

As a result of this feedback, we will take the following actions: 
1.  The new pricing and packaging of the 25-Agent, 50-Agent, and
250-Agent WebSpeed
Transaction Server products will take effect March 1, 2001, as
2.  The 5-Agent WebSpeed Transaction Server will continue to be
available on an interim
basis for our ISVs at the FY 2000 price.  As of March 1, 2001, we do not
plan to make
this product available for direct customers, and it will not appear on
our general price list. 
3. The no charge upgrade from 5-agents to 25-agents will not be offered
as planned. 

We believe that this is the most equitable way to address the concerns
we have heard, and
will cause the least disruption to our customers and ourselves. 

We will continue to examine our pricing policies, particularly as they
pertain to Internet
deployment products, to maintain their competitive position in the
market. We expect to
introduce additional licensing for Internet deployment later this year
that will address both
large and small deployments. 

The comments from our customers, especially those ISVs who gave us
detailed scenarios
for their business, have been very valuable and much appreciated. Thank
you for your
continued support of our products. 

Comments may be sent to licensing@progress.com. 

Maggie Alexander			Progress Software Corporation
Director, Product Planning     		781-280-4965

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