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Re: Problem z CONNECT

Marek Prokop wrote:

> Prawdopodobnie w jadrze (kernel) tego Solarisa skonczyl sie sumaryczny limit
> umozliwiajacy otwieranie ilus tam plikow.
> Proponuje zajrzec do /etc/system i wstawic co trzeba.
> Ponizej informacja z Progress Knowledge Base (techweb.progress.com) .
> Pozdrawiam
> Marek Prokop
> This solution will help you if you experience Error 43 on Solaris
> platforms.
> Error 43 means:
> ** Cannot find or open file , errno =  (43) P
>                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> If the errno = 24 this is listed in /usr/include/sys/errno.h as:
>   #define EMFILE          24      /* Too many open files */
> it usually indicates that you need to increase the maximum number of
> files in your operating system kernel.
> Error 24 is corrected by either of two choices: via a shell or
> editing the /etc/system file to tune the kernel.
>      1) Via a Shell:
>         ksh - edit .profile to contain the line
>                 ulimit -n ##
>         csh - edit .login to contain the line
>                 limit descriptors ##
>      2) Via the /etc/system:
>         add the following two lines to the etc/system file:
>                 set rlim_fd_msc = ##
>                 set rlim_fd_cur = ##
> Start with the number 512 for the ##.  512 should work well for most
> databases but you can increase the number accordingly.
> Progress Technical Support Solution 19684
> Pod 04/11/00

zastosowałem opcję 1) i zmieniłem w .profile'u - WSZYSTKO DZIAŁA !!!


Wojciech Lubicz-Łapiński

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