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- To: Korpas_Piotr/polh1_waw@alcatel.pl
- Subject: Re: [Fwd: Baza Multi-volume na Novell-u ?]
- From: bpiasecki@computerland.pl
- Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 10:21:35 +0000
Cześć. Z tego zo pamiętam mogą być problemy opisane w PKB: HOW TO CREATE NLM and Multi-Volume. Avoid:".lk file exists" When you plan on using a multi-volume database with an NLM server, please keep the following in mind: When creating the structure file (.st), you must use the full Netware path with all the necessary backslashes (\): d sys:\apps\progress\database\example.d1 f 8000 d sys:\apps\progress\database\example.d2 f 8000 d vol1:\apps\progress\database\example.d3 When you use the PROSTRCT command, the full Netware path also must be used: prostrct create sys:\apps\progress\database\example.db example.st Also with the PROCOPY command, full Netware path must be used: procopy empty sys:\apps\progress\database\example The full Netware path must be used everytime you reference the database, including: NLM load line: load _mprosrv sys:\apps\progress\database\example Any proutils: proutil sys:\apps\progress\database\example -C truncate *** Even when you need to access the database single user: **** pro sys:\apps\progress\database\example 12/10/93: this is now documented in Technical Bulletin Volume 6 Edition 18 dated October 1993, page 2 Progress Software Technical Support Note # 11407
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