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(Fwd) PC Week App Server Review -- Good News!


W testach wydajnosciowych aplikacji java przeprowadzonym przez czasopismo 
PC-Week, zdecydowanym liderem okazal sie Progress Apptivity wyprzedzony jedynie 
przez Microsoft. Przy czytaniu wynikow nalezy zwrocic uwage na to, ze z 
powodu ograniczen dostepnosci rozwiazan Microsoftu osiagniete przezen wyniki 
nie moga byc porownywalne z pozostalymi producentami narzedzi Java. Wszystkie 
rozwiązania pracowaly na platformie Sun i na bazie Oracle 8, tylko Microsoft, z 
oczywistych wzgledow, na bazie SQL na platformie Compaq/Intel. Ponadto, 
rozwiazania Microsoftu oprocz mniejszej otwrtosci na inne platformy sa tez 
trudniejsze w administrowaniu, na przyklad skonfigurowanie srodowiska do testow 
wymagalo ze stronu Microsofta programowania na niskim pozimie.

Dla lubiacych jezyk angielski przytaczam poniżej najwazniejsze punkty 
wspomnianygo raportu oraz komentarzy a takze odnosniki do odpowiednich stron 
www PC-Weeka.

Pawel Dobrzynski

Zapraszam do lektury. Więcej informacji na strona ch PC-Week.


The lead: "After nine months of work and close to 6,000 man-hours of
on-site testing, the results are in: Application servers from Microsoft
Corp., Progress Software Corp., Sybase Inc. and the Sun Microsystems
Inc./Netscape Communications Corp. alliance are the performance and
capacity leaders in the biggest, most thorough tests of application
servers ever conducted."
More:  "Overall, we were surprised by how fast all the application
servers were. On the Sun testbed, speeds ranged from about 400 to about
1,400 pages per second (with Apptivity, Sybase EAS, NetDynamics and
Netscape Application Server the top performers), and on the Compaq
testbed (which no one else used), Microsoft's performance pushed almost
3,500 pages per second-with 93 percent of these pages dynamically
generated. These performance figures certainly indicate big differences
among the products, but even a throughput of 400 pages per second is
enough to saturate the Internet connections of most businesses hosting
their own e-commerce applications."
"All products showed virtually linear scalability, but there were
differences in fault tolerance (see table, below). Hahtsite and
WebObjects each lost some users' shopping cart information during the
network failure tests. In addition, only Hahtsite, NetDynamics and
Netscape Application Server were able to bring failed servers
automatically back online."

This link represents the two main tables that contain the performance
results.  The headlines above each table read:
* "Microsoft/Compaq combo, Progress/Sun setup very fast at generating
dynamic Web pages in performance test"
* "Microsoft, Progress servers quickly handle large numbers of users in
concurrent user capacity test"

".... Microsoft Corp. and the Compaq Computer Corp. hardware it used
came through Doculabs' tests like a bolt of lightning, blowing away
everyone else's numbers-in fact, its C++-based bookstore was so fast
that it was bottlenecked by the 100M-bps test network .... The results
say nothing about how fast Microsoft is in comparison with other
application server vendors' figures, however, because Microsoft used a
very different testbed from everyone else .... Although Microsoft has an
extremely fast application server platform, PC Week Labs finds its
offering has weaker manageability, fault tolerance and load balancing
than the other products Doculabs tested .... For example, Microsoft
wrote all its state management code by hand to get both fault tolerance
and maximum speed-IIS' state management engine has no support for
either fault tolerance or clustering. In addition, MTS has no load
balancing or failover support. Each Microsoft Web server was hard-coded
to use one specific MTS back end-so, had anything gone wrong at the
back-end layer (but not at the Web server layer), it would have been
harder for IIS to recover than for any other product tested. Microsoft
provides load balancing at the Web server layer; application server load
balancing will be part of Windows 2000."

PROGRESS SOFTWARE: Performance. Not Promises
Pawel Dobrzynski  

   Progress Software, Sp z o.o.
   ul. Plowiecka 1, PL 04-501 Warszawa, POLAND
   phone: (+48-22) 673-10-44  fax: (+48-22) 610-94-83  
Strona WWW:     http://pluton.pol.lublin.pl/pugpl/index.htm
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Archiwum listy: http://www.zeto.bydgoszcz.pl/progress/index.html